El día 17 y 18 de Junio con apoyo del Ministerio Nacional de Salud (MINSA) se llevo a cabo, la primera campaña de donación de sangre, que se realizo en el campus de la Universidad De San Martín de Porres. Tuvo como principal objetivo motivar a las personas para que contribuyan a salvar vidas y mejorar la salud del prójimo, buscando la solidaridad y comprensión de la población hacia el acto más sublime, que es dar vida a otros donando sangre.
LPO (Local Public Officer) : Flor de María Gonzáles Zurita
A security test to determine whether or not the user is human. This will ensure that only human visitors will actually submit the form, and not spamming bots that are browsing the web from site to site and submit spam where they can. It is well known that programmers can do programs for many jobs, including visiting a large amount of sites on the Internet by following links from page to page and collect emails listed on websites, submit contact forms, or even trying to break passwords by trying to login over and over again with computer generated passwords.
Fortunately, it is impossible for a non-human ( ex. computer program ) to extract a word or a combination of letters and numbers from an image, if the letters and numbers are not all of the same size and of similar font. This is why, the Image Verification security method ensures that only people actually can submit a form.
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